26 Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas

amy o'connor
2 min readOct 31, 2015


  1. Sexy seagull with a stolen chicken fillet roll in its gob
  2. Sexy person who comments “WHO?” on articles about Kim Kardashian
  3. Sexy Web Summit attendee
  4. Sexy person from, like, Dalkey who has just found out what a spice bag is
  5. Sexy lad who used to be “very fond of a drink,” but is suddenly really into Crossfit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Sexy raw (but delicious!) vegan treat
  7. Sexy male radio presenter who thinks that “you can’t say anything now” and that “PC has gone mad”
  8. Sexy gal you were in college with who keeps inviting you to like her photography page on Facebook
  9. Sexy uncle who has strong sympathies for the Irish Republican movement and who you’re pretttttty sure donated money to a Republican cause at some point
  10. Sexy person who ‘likes’ Richard Dawkins on Facebook, but is now getting married in a big Catholic ceremony to appease their parents
  11. Sexy bin bag
  12. Sexy smug person who goes for big walks in Wicklow every Sunday and makes you worry that you’re not living life to the fullest
  13. Sexy civil servant who is literally praying nobody notices that all they do is stand and look confusedly at the photocopier, pretending that they’re very busy
  14. Sexy GAA player who thinks chorizo is too spicy and will ‘stick with the ham, thanks’
  15. Sexy person who has a ‘crippling addiction to tea’
  16. Sexy person who brags about being ‘fluent in sarcasm’ as if that’s even remotely a thing
  17. Sexy person who actually impresses you with their ability to bring everything back to water charges
  18. Sexy pedant who insists on pronouncing ‘GIF’ as ‘JIF’
  19. Sexy Mam who resents secondary school teachers and ‘all the bloody holidays they get’
  20. Sexy Mam who urges all her children to become secondary school teacher on account of all the holidays they’ll get
  21. Sexy toddler who is way too big for his/her buggy, but is keeping quiet about it
  22. Sexy dog who senses his owners rue the day they ever decided to get him
  23. Sexy person who ‘isn’t rich, but is definitely comfortable’
  24. Sexy woman from that terrifying smear test ad who ages 40 years in 30 seconds and makes you fear death
  25. Sexy waiter who refuses to write your order down and makes you anxious that they’ll fuck up your meal and ruin your evening
  26. Sexy television licence inspector



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