The Making of the Wrigley’s Extra Ad Starring Ashton Kutcher: An Oral History
In June 2014, Wrigley’s Extra got to work on creating a follow-up to their celebrated ad starring Antonio Banderas. In the ad, the Spanish actor was seen “breaking up” with junk food and popping a chewing gum. Following it up would prove to be a mammoth task.
Second Album Syndrome
Buzz Broderick, Wrigley’s Extra®
We were riding high off the success of our ad starring Antonio Banderas. And we could not figure out how to follow it up.
Jenna Marcus, Wrigley’s Extra®
We honestly spent weeks racking our brains. There was, like, seven of us sitting in front of a blank whiteboard and all we could think was, “Fuck, we’re never going to surpass the Banderas commercial,” and we’re going to let down our Little Mintsters. (Ed note: Little Mintsters is the term used to describe fans of Wrigley’s Extra®.)
Buzz Broderick, Wrigley’s Extra®
Have you ever heard of second album syndrome? It was that, man. And sometimes, you know, I think you need a fresh pair of eyes to look over something. So that’s when I called Chase T, an old buddy of mine from college.
Chase T, Director
I got a call from Buzz one day when I was out on my segway. He explained to me that he needed a follow-up to the sick Antonio Banderas commercial that they did. So I told him to send me the commercial and I’d take a look, see what I could do.
That evening, I went home and I rewatched the Antonio Banderas Extra commercial. And I’m not gonna lie, I cried.
Firstly, I was kind of sad that Antonio Banderas was being paid to endorse chewing gum. But then the core of the ad really got to me — for me it’s about the dissolution of a relationship between Antonio and doughnuts, and something about that really got to me.
I knew following it up would be a tall order, but I knew I had to do it.
Buzz Broderick, Wrigley’s Extra®
That night, my phone went off. It was a text from Chase and it just said two words: “I’m in.”
Jenna Marcus, Wrigley’s Extra®
At that moment, everyone just breathed a sigh of relief because it was like, “Phew, okay I don’t need to worry about justifying my job anymore. I can coast again.” ☺
Making The Ad
The following week, the Wrigley’s Extra team met Chase at Wrigley’s Extra HQ to run through ideas.
Buzz Broderick, Wrigley’s Extra®
That Monday, I assembled the team and we got to work thinking about what direction we were going to go in.
Mark Madden, Marketing Department
Chase T arrived in the office on his segway, which he was riding with no hands. At that moment, I knew we were in safe hands.
Chase T, Director
I had spent the weekend brainstorming about what direction I wanted to go in for the commercial and I had a brainwave — if the Antonio Banderas ad was about breaking up, then this one should be a little more hopeful, a little sexy.
Jenna Marcus, Marketing Department
We decided it should definitely feature a food seducing a male celebrity. Deciding on what food and what celebrity proved tricky, though.
Buzz Broderick, Head of Wrigley’s Extra®
We had so many options. Some ideas that were thrown out there? Seann William Scott and a red onion, Russell Brand and a plate of curry, Andy Samberg and can of tuna.
Mark Madden, Marketing Department
It came between Ashton Kutcher and a pizza, and Matt LeBlanc and a kebab. And the consensus was that either was basically perfect.
Buzz Broderick, Head of Wrigley’s Extra®
These were two perfect ideas that couldn’t possibly fail. How do you choose between perfection?
Chase T, Director
At that point, I, as the director, decided to take control of the situation. And I went with Ashton for the simple reason that I felt he and the pizza would have the lightning chemistry you used to see in those 1930s comedies. I just couldn’t see Matt LeBlanc verbally sparring with a kebab, you know?
Buzz Broderick, Head of Wrigley’s Extra®
That evening, I put the call in to Ashton’s agent and then Ashton e-mailed me from his personal e-mail address just saying, “Let’s do this.” And I was like, “Haha, who’s this?” And we were both like, “LOL.” So there was already a friendship there.
The Shoot
In July 2014, shooting commenced on the ad. The budget was $2.31 million and the excitement was palpable.
Ashton Kutcher
I arrived to set that day just super pumped and ready for it. I felt loose and like I was going to have fun. Any day you’re going to be seduced by a slice of pizza is a good one, right? (laughs)
Chase T, director
We got there that morning and it was like magic was in the air, you know? We sent Pizza into wardrobe and she came out in this pepperoni bra and it was like, “Damn, that’s hot.” Just how I had envisaged it.
My agent had called me and said that they were looking for a pizza that was kind of like Sofia Vergara. And, like, no joke, I get that all the fricking time. I’m always cast as a Sofia Vergara type. So I submitted my headshot and next thing I knew I was on set wearing a pepperoni bikini, introducing myself to Ashton Kutcher. It was surreal. (laughs)
Ashton Kutcher
Me and Pizza hit it off straight away. And that just makes things so much easier when you’re working with someone you can trust and have fun with, you know.
Benjamin Wexler, writer
Yeah, I wrote the script. I have a Masters in Creative Writing, but this is cool, too. I guess the line I’m most proud of is when Ashton is being seduced by the pizza and he goes, “You’re a pizza.” (Ed note: At this point in the interview, Donnie decided that he had to leave and walked out of the interview. When asked if it was because he was embarrassed or ashamed, he refused to comment. We have been unable to reach him since.)
Chase T, Director
When Ashton said, “You’re a pizza,” the whole set lost their minds.
I couldn’t stop laughing! I couldn’t look at him without breaking! (laughs at memory of Ashton saying, “You’re a pizza”)
Ashton Kutcher
Aw man, I was just about holding it together. Like, I wanted to crack up with everyone else. “You’re a pizza”. I can’t. (laughs)
(still laughing)
Chase T, Director
Once everyone calmed down after the whole “You’re a pizza” thing (starts chuckling before composing himself), we pretty much got it in a few takes.
I think if the Antonio Banderas commercial is a melancholy break-up number, this commercial helps represent the possibilities of Extra, of being a bachelor, of not tying yourself to someone who might be toxic for you. In this case, that was Pizza.
So yeah, I’m proud of it. Also, Ashton and I became close, which was a real thrill for me. (Ed note: Ashton Kutcher declined to categorise his relationship with Chase as “close”. Instead he described it as “civil”.)
Maggie Walsh, actress
I played the other hot lady in the ad. I got to lightly touch Ashton’s chest. I suppose it’s a bit sad to be second string to a sexy pizza. Like, you would think that a living, breathing human woman might merit a single line of dialogue. But it was fine. (smiles meekly, barely concealing the fact that she’s dead inside)
Buzz Broderick, Head of Wrigley’s Extra®
I really didn’t see how we’d ever top Banderas, but then I saw the final cut of this.
Jenna Marcus, Wrigley’s Extra®
We all just stood up in the boardroom and applauded. We really didn’t have any feedback. Chase, Pizza, Ashton — they nailed it.
Buzz Broderick, Head of Wrigley’s Extra®
Now the concern is that we’ll have third album syndrome. (laughs) But we’ve got ideas. Nicole Scherzinger and a beef burrito, anyone?